At Vap Construction, we always are pushing for the highest quality builds and gorgeous outcomes for our customers. We are pleased to announce that our team received the Barn of the Year award from the National Frame Building Association (NFBA) for their Commercial Building Under 5,000 Sq Ft category. Every year, the NFBA gives out awards in 12 categories for builders who meet their strict criteria and build to the highest standards in the industry.
This year, our winning building was the Kit Carson Community Center located in Kit Carson, CO. Amy Johnson, and her team had the dream of having a community center built to rent out for local events, as well as providing three areas of the building to be leased out to local businesses and organizations. They worked with us at Vap Construction to bring that dream to life and give their community new life.
You can learn more about the NFBA Yearly awards by visiting their website: